My starting point for this project was contemplating the themes of memory, place, and film diaries through my personal archives. I had made some music videos with these videos before, but none of them were significant in any way and I couldn’t share them anywhere because of the copyrights. This time, I decided not to use any songs in the film, making it more challenging to figure out the structure, as the song had previously guided me. Then I had the idea that each video should be only one second and I should edit them in a chronological order. I had a good feeling about it and it was really satisfying to have a clear structure to follow. It was also easy to find at least a second of good composition and movement in a video, enhancing the overall visual language of the film.
Now, about the function of this form or its “meaning”: initially, I was thinking about it as a way to show how I changed over this time period through the lens of my camera and how I captured my environment and what I included and ‘excluded’ in my frames in Jonas Mekas terms. However, upon completing the editing process, the theme of fleeting moments and the passage of time became more prominent which reminded me of a Persian poem (چه اتفاقی باید بیفتد؟ by Fereydoon Moshiri) that I had recently read. It’s about how time passes so quickly and how to become aware of its passing.
For the second text, I decided on an excerpt from "Nausea" that has deeply influenced me, discussing the “seizing” of moments. I placed the English text first and then the Persian poem because I had read “Nausea” when I was in Iran, and my interest in Persian poems grew after my immigration. Adding reverb to my voice lent an abstract quality, enhancing the atmospheric feel without overshadowing the visuals. I also recorded my heartbeat for I thought, it would be a good addition to the soundscape relating to the theme of life’s transience. 

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